If light, CO2 and fertilization are not properly balanced in the aquarium, algae appear on the surface of glass, wood and plant leaves. The leaves of aquatic plants, while in good condition, are also resistant to algae. However, if for some reason the condition of the plants is not normal, algae begin to grow on them. The addition of Phyton Git supports plants and helps them become resistant to algae. Additionally, it weakens cyanobacteria and other algae. If the plants die and dissolve or their condition suddenly deteriorates, it may mean that they are infected with some disease. Microsorum and Bolbitis leaves are particularly susceptible to disease at higher water temperatures. In this case, the addition of Phyton Git will help the plants become resistant to diseases.
© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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