Aquarium Ecosystem Concept

Another thing we learned from nature and introduced to the Natural Aquarium is the concept of the ecosystem. An ecosystem is a system of relationships between plants, animals and the environment that occurs in natural conditions. Within such a system, there is a continuous flow of energy and cycles of transformation. In the ecosystem concept, living organisms are divided into producers, consumers and decomposers. All these components of a real ecosystem find their counterparts among fish, aquatic plants and microorganisms in Natural Aquariums. Producers – hosts are chlorophyll, which stimulates photosynthesis, in which most aquatic plants participate. They develop through photosynthesis and release oxygen in the aquatic environment of the aquarium. This oxygen is used by fish and microorganisms in the process of respiration. Consumers are mainly animals that feed on plants and other animals. Even though fish feed mainly in this way, food must also be given to them by the aquarium keeper. Reducers are primarily microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. This relationship also occurs in aquariums. They maintain water purity and quality by breaking down food debris and debris, and provide nutrients for aquatic plants. The environment of the Natural Aquarium is stable when plants, fish and microorganisms are alive in balance (symbiosis).

© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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