In the natural environment, we deal with large ecosystems in which there are a huge number of different species of organisms. However, the environment of the Natural Aquarium is limited by the size of the tank, and therefore the number and variety of plant and fish species that can be placed in such an aquarium are also limited. Therefore, the selection of aquatic plants, the places where they are placed and the species of fish living in a given tank are extremely important for the care of the Natural Aquarium. A particular problem is the appearance of algae. Algae that grows inside the aquarium, on plant leaves, on roots and on stones are common. If algae cover the aquarium, they not only disfigure the aquarium, but in the long run they also inhibit the growth of aquatic plants. In the Natural Aquarium, aquatic plants grow so densely that they absorb excess nutrients in the water, and the number of fish is limited and depends on the size of the aquarium and the number of plants, enough to avoid algae problems. In addition, algae eaters such as “Amano” shrimp (Caridina multidentata, formerly Caridina japonica) and cutters, i.e., Crossocheilus siamensis, are placed in the aquarium to maintain a beautiful arrangement and prevent the attack of harmful algae. We draw this wisdom from nature, it helps us in the care of Natural Aquariums.

© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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