Characteristics of filter media in the Nature Aquarium

Currently, we have access to a wide range of filter media, but the media are basically divided into biological filtration media and activated carbon filtration in chemical filters. In Natural Aquariums, Bio Rio and Bio Cubes are used as biological filters. Both fillings are equipped with a large porous surface with a mesh structure. The larger the surface area, the better the filtering quality, because the surface area for bacteria to colonize increases. The filter medium must be highly permeable to water because the filter performs its function when the porous structure is exposed to water. As we mentioned earlier, biological filters will soon be the main filtration method. However, in the first period after installing the aquarium, it is advisable to also use a chemical filter, because only after some time the biological filter begins to function stably. NA Carbon and Bamboo Charcoal are used for this purpose. Activated carbon has specific absorption capabilities, so the cartridge must be replaced regularly for effective filtration. Both NA Carbon and Bamboo Charcoal are highly permeable, which prevents the filter from clogging, so they can be left in the filter and used as with the biological method.

© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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