In the initial period of ripening, the transparency of the water is often disturbed, which is caused by its turbidity. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and the counteraction depends on the specific one. When the water becomes cloudy, you may notice tiny particles in the water. These particles may be Aqua Soil particles, which are produced from natural soil and subjected to a granulation process. Although it is not easy, they can be crushed in water, and small particles of granules can be released into the water in a freshly flooded aquarium. These particles will not be visible for a long time. If the water becomes cloudy, it should be changed. The cloudy water will disappear after a few water changes. Additionally, using Clear Dash may be helpful in removing cloudiness. Aqua Soil Amazonia is a very popular product among the Aqua Soil substrate series that has a positive effect on plant growth. However, this substrate may turn the water yellow in the initial period after flooding the aquarium. This phenomenon is caused by humic acids, which are an active element of Aqua Soil’s base raw material – black earth. Because these acids support the growth of plants, their cultivation becomes easier thanks to Aqua Soil. Nevertheless, a large amount of humates may be released into the water depending on its parameters. Coloration is more common in alkaline water. Humic acids are natural substances and do not have a negative effect on fish and plants. The yellow discoloration usually disappears gradually with water changes. If this phenomenon is nevertheless annoying in some way, it can be dealt with by larger and more frequent water changes or by using activated carbon or charcoal in the filter.
© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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