Decomposition and absorption of excess nutrients in the Aquarium

Let’s consider what will happen to the nutrients after some time has passed since the tank was installed. Initially, the substances in the filter decompose. Nutrients contained in uneaten food and dead leaves are transformed into ammonia, which is converted into nitrites and then into nitrates by microorganisms in the filter. When this mechanism works well, water parameters are stable and fish can be kept without problems. However, during the initial maturation period, when the filter is not working properly, it will not be able to cope with the large dose of nutrients produced in the aquarium. Nutrients in water occur in toxic forms such as ammonia and nitrite. For this reason, fish can only be introduced into the aquarium one month after installation. It is advisable to check the ammonia and nitrite levels with tests before introducing fish to the aquarium. Plants can also absorb nutrients from water through their leaves. Better and faster growing plants absorb more substances. In an aquarium with strong light and CO2, nutrients from the water are absorbed by plants, and as a result, the water becomes cleaner. This process is a kind of water purification by aquarium plants. However, the number of plants is small in the initial period of maturation of the aquarium. The effectiveness of cleaning is low until new growth appears and the intensity of photosynthesis increases. Therefore, there is a high concentration of natural substances in the water. Excesses can be neutralized by activated carbon (NA Carbon) or charcoal (Bamboo Charcoal) used in the filter as a filter medium


© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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