Amazonia is a popular substrate among both plant and shrimp breeders. It is
made from fertile black soil. How is this substrate better than other granulates?
We present their comparison in terms of their effect on water parameters.
Characteristics of substrates not only in terms of their appearance
Aqua Soil Amazonia POWDER
It has the smallest granules among the compared substrates. It significantly reduces the pH of the water (in the initial
period to a level of about 6.0). It is also characterized by a good ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus, which
support plant growth. Thanks to these features, small foreground plants, e.g. Glossostigma and
Eleocharis, will reward you with healthy growth.
Aqua Soil Amazonia NORMAL
It has larger and more irregular granules than the POWDER version. This makes planting plants
easier. The effect on water is the same as in the POWDER version. The substrate contains a lot of COD
due to saturation with humic acids and organic compounds. They stimulate the development
of bacteria and plant roots.
Company A substrate
A granulate with a fairly large granulation despite its name “Powder”. The substrate does not reduce the water pH as
strongly as Amazonia. It releases a lot of NO2 and little COD into the water despite the high
content of nutrients. It can therefore be concluded that it does not contain a large amount of
organic ingredients healthy for shrimp.
Company B substrate
It does not differ much in appearance from product A. The same applies to the effect on pH and COD content. The
graph shows a lower TDS index and NH4 level, which indicates the strong
absorption properties of the substrate. However, the substrate can release a large amount of NO3.
Company C substrate
Despite its appearance similar to granules A and B, this substrate affects water parameters differently. It has
a relatively high pH and TDS index. TDS increases with the increase in dissolved ions, which
allows us to assume that the substrate releases a lot of inorganic materials. This is also indicated by
a low COD level.
Company D substrate
The granulate has a brown color. It contains little COD and NH4, i.e. it is not rich in natural
organic ingredients and nitrogen. Both the substrate and the water in the aquarium are not characterized by low pH.
A high TDS level indicates the release of a large amount of inorganic ingredients.
Chinese granulate
Substrate sold as an imitation of Amazonia. It is easy to notice the different colors of the granules. Both
the substrate and the water have a pH below 4, which is a value that practically prevents the cultivation
of living organisms. Very high COD and TDS levels in combination with a low NH4 content
indicate the content of other, undesirable chemical compounds.
Many beautiful plant aquariums have already been created based on Amazonia substrate. What exactly
sets this product apart from the competition? Comparison of water parameters
affecting plant growth shows significant differences between Amazonia and other granules
despite their similar appearance. In addition, some of the other products probably contain more than
natural ingredients derived from the soil. Especially the Chinese substrate that lowers pH to
toxic levels should not be considered as granules for aquariums.
*The comparison of water parameters was made in small containers with water. In a real
aquarium the results may be slightly different. In addition, substrates containing natural ingredients may
show different content. The comparison therefore shows trends rather than real values.
*TDS is the total amount of salts dissolved in water
© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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