In search of beutiful greenery in the Nature Aquarium

After some time, popular home fluorescent “daylight” lamps replaced fluorescent lamps for plants. The brightness and color improved significantly, but something was still missing. We needed a lamp created specifically for the needs of aquarium plants. As a result, the “NA Lamp” was introduced, a fluorescent lamp with good color reproduction, invented especially for aquatic plants. The growth of aquatic plants was the primary criterion in the development of this lamp. It became possible to provide an adequate amount of light through a high share of the blue spectrum in the spectrum, with high conductivity in water. Low, foreground plants also grow without problems under this light. The blue light spectrum seems to be the optimal one that plants use for photosynthesis. The growth of aquatic plants has improved significantly. Another feature of NA Lamps was to highlight the beautiful green color. That’s why we focused on light temperature and CRI. The temperature of light is an indicator of its color. The redder the light, the lower the temperature, and the bluer the light, the higher the temperature. This quantity is expressed in Kelvin (K). For example, the green color of aquarium plants looks yellow and unhealthy under light temperatures less than 5000 K. Around 10,000 K the plants look bluish and artificial. The green of plants looks different depending on the color of the light. We have determined that 7000-8000 K is the temperature at which aquatic plants look most natural. This range is used by NA Lamp. Another unit that implies the appearance of a given object is the light reproduction index (CRI). In short, this value shows how naturally the illuminated object looks. Light with a high temperature is usually considered to have poor color rendering. However, NA Lamp has excellent color reproduction properties, the colors of red plants and fish also look very good, and the whole aquarium is bright and natural. New green phosphorus technology has been adopted to bring out the beautiful green color of aquatic plants. Thanks to this, the differentiation of green shades is better and the depth created by the overlapping leaves is clearly visible. When the NA Lamp prototype illuminated a Nature Aquarium-style plant arrangement for the first time, it made such a huge impression that it is not an exaggeration to say – we felt the arrival of a new era. The characteristics of the lamp for aquatic plants, which have their origins in the fluorescent lamp, are also inherited by the new ADA metal halide lamp, with a higher light intensity.

© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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