Sometimes the growth of aquatic plants is not satisfactory. For example, plants may not grow as expected, grow slowly or take a long time to rebound after trimming. Most often, the cause of this condition is a lack of light or CO2 or poor water quality. That is why these problems should be solved first. Aquatic plants are somehow stressed when they are in bad conditions and may additionally not produce growth hormones. It is important to improve the conditions for plants while dosing active substances such as growth hormones and amino acids to renew plant growth. Green Gain is used for this purpose. Because it contains various plant hormones from natural plants, it is quickly absorbed. The effect is immediately visible in the form of new shoots developed by the plants and their healthy growth. This preparation also immunizes the plant to stress associated with a bad environment.
© foto: Takashi Amano, AQUA DESIGN AMANO CO., LTD.
2024 – Aquarius & Aquadam, Adam Paszczela
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